About Don

I am originally from a small midwestern city having grown up in a middle class family with two parents, one older brother, and a younger sister. We shared the farm values of Dad’s family of origin living in southern Missouri where we visited his parents, aunts and uncles, and cousins at large family gatherings.
It was quite common in my youth to share hugs and touch at home and at these family gatherings. That was and is my normal way of life. That is not everyone’s life experience. I was fortunate to have experienced life with little or no traumatic experiences and would say I have had a great deal of luck over many careers and relationships. Still, the majority of my life did little to prepare me for becoming a professional cuddle/consent provider.
It wasn’t until toward the end of my first marriage while seeking counseling that it was recommended I attend an Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) group to help understand a side of life that I had never experienced. While I did not experience alcohol abuse in my childhood, my first wife had, and these group meetings exposed me to a world that was both foreign to me and often sad to witness the suffering of true trauma.
This experience was the beginning of my transition from a privileged white cisgender male, oblivious to the world around him, to someone who began to understand that not everyone around him had experienced a charmed life. While I had always been a “giver” personality, I had often failed to provide the appropriate level of empathy and understanding to those around me. We are where we are based on our life experiences.
After an amicable divorce, I started what I call my third life and began a journey in a blended family with five children as a military spouse. Being a step father to three of the five children was a true learning process. As part of that process I was also exposed to a transgender community support group that helped me to understand the difficulties faced by individuals who often, if not always, are in a battle with society.
In 2006 I stumbled upon the Cuddlist organization. I had been attending massage therapy at the local college and found that while it is a wonderful way to help people with physical issues, it lacked the personal connection that I was seeking. I scheduled a session with a local Cuddlist practitioner and found what a wonderful experience it can be to be unconditionally accepted by a stranger who had excellent empathy and listening skills while practicing boundaries in a safe and respectful environment.
In 2017 I was accepted for training with Cuddlist and began one of the most introspective experiences of my personal growth journey. Folks who have a natural ability and experience with listening, empathy, and boundaries can often complete the training and certification process in a very short amount of time. I spent several months absorbing the wealth and knowledge provided in the training. As a practitioner I continue to grow and learn with each client experience as well as with ongoing training.
Seeking out a professional cuddle practitioner is very personal process that requires a bit of bravery to admit you may need that type of support and to reach out. I do not claim to be everyone’s cup of tea. I do have a reasonable understanding around challenges related to alcoholism, parenting, military spouses, and gender identity. If you decide to contact me there is no obligation to move forward with a session. You be you, and I’ll be me and we can see if we might be a good fit.
Education / Training
Date | Location | Organization / Event | About | Link |
Ongoing | Practitioner support calls, live and recorded seminars, and general research on platonic touch and consent. | |||
Oct, 2022 | Philadelphia, PA | Authentic Relating Workshop | Group workshop led through a series of carefully crafted and expertly guided authentic relating activities designed to make connecting meaningful, easeful and soul-filling. | Authentic Relating Workshop |
Jan, 2020 | Los Angeles, CA | School of Consent | Like a Pro: The Wheel of Consent for Professionals in-person training. 5 full days, including practice, theory, and discussion. | School of Consent |
Aug, 2019 | Online | Cuddle Sanctuary | Self-Guided Course for Professional Cuddlers | Cuddle Sanctuary |
Jun, 2019 | Washington, D.C. | Psychiatric Institute of Washington | Booth and presentation about Cuddlist professional cuddling at hosted open house event for therapist. | Psychiatric Institute of Washington |
Mar, 2019 | Washington, D.C. | Psychotherapy Networker Symposium Conference | Participant in the Cuddlist Salon presenting live session examples to interested attendees on how working with a certified Cuddlist practitioner could enhance recovery for clients who need platonic touch or who are touch adverse. | Psychotherapy Networker Symposium |
Sep, 2018 | Chicago, IL | CuddleXpo: Professional Cuddler Conference | Elevating the professional cuddling industry through education, collaboration, and community. | CuddleXpo |
May, 2018 | Online | Nordic Cuddle | Training Programme for Professional Cuddlers (Training no longer available) | Nordic Cuddle (Rebekka Mikkola) |
Nov, 2017 – Sep, 2018 | Westminster, MD | Carroll Community College | Provided multiple presentations to students in the Human Sexuality class about Cuddle Parties, focusing on the party structure, consent, and platonic touch. | Carroll Community College |
Aug, 2017 | Atlanta | Foundations of Facilitation | 4 day in-person training related to facilitation of workshops and groups in conjunction with the Cuddle Party organization. | Foundations of Facilitation |
Apr, 2017 – Aug, 2017 | Online | Cuddlist Training | Received Cuddlist Practitioner Certification following completion of online training modules and an in-person session evaluation process. | Cuddlist |